Choosing the right content management system (CMS) for your website design can significantly impact your…
Google Tag Manager is one of the free Google tools, which we wrote about in one of our previous blogs. Ukoliko želite da primenjujete tagove (isečke kodova, pikseli za praćenje) na vašoj veb stranici ili aplikaciji, Google Tag Manager is the right choice.
How to access Google Tag Manager?
As with other Google products and tools, you need a Gmail account to access the platform. Google Tag Manager is accessed through the Google Marketing Platform. Kod logovanja izaberite vaš Gmail account.
Creating a GTM account
When you access the GTM platform, in the upper right corner there is a field “ Create Account “.”. Click on it and fill in all the blanks.

After filling in the new fields, GTM will show you the main page of the platform. You need to install the GTM code, via additional plugins or manually.
What is important to distinguish is that there are 3 important components to pay attention to. They are: Tags, Triggers and Variables.
GTM components
A tag is a code that sends data to a system, say Google analysts. This code or code fragment is executed on a page or in a mobile application. Tags can be used for a variety of purposes, but in most cases they are used to track whether someone has performed an “action” on our site. It can be filling out a contact form, clicking on sending an email, clicking on a phone number on the website, etc. Tags are activated via Triggers .

Triggers or triggers follow specific events on the site such as clicks, filling out forms or loading pages. When a site event is detected that matches your trigger setting, all tags associated with that trigger fire.
Variables or variables are a piece of code used to represent the value to be changed. With variables in triggers, they can be filters when some the tag should be activated.
For example Activates the trigger ” Page view ” when the URL variable is
Creating tags
To create a tag , you need to select the “Tags” option on the left , then click the “New” button.. U novom prozoru u Tag Configuration choose the type you want. If you want to follow from the site i Google Analytics events, select in the options “ Google Analytics: Universal Analytics “.

Now you select the type of tags you want to track and set the options.
In this text, we explain the options for setting up phone number click tracking on your site.

In the new screen, in “ Track Type ” we choose to track the event, ie. Event. Kategorija našeg događaja je ‘’ Phone Calls ” and the action is “Clicks”. Dodaćemo i label ” Phone Clicks”. Of the other options, it is important that in the field Google Analytics Settings enter your Google analytics. After configuration tag , it remains for us to set the trigger for this tag .

The trigger in this case is Click – Just links. Potrebno je podesiti opcije kao na slici. Bitna stavka ovde je da ne želimo da se okidač aktivira na sve link klikove već samo na one koje u URL sadrže ‘’tel:’’. Ovo je uobičajeni url koji svaki klik na telefon sadrži. Ukoliko imate više brojeva telefona na sajtu, a želite samo jedan da pratite, upišite taj broj nakon tel:+3816……
After setting the trigger, click the “Save” button and the new label will be displayed on your platform. In order to test if it works you need to click on the button Submit and then Preview in the upper right corner.

Type the domain of the site where you installed Google Tag Manager code and try clicking on the phone numbers. After that, go back to the second window Tag Assistant. Tu će vam biti prikazani rezultati testiranja, da li su i koji tags activated .
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Made by Nemanja Nedeljković – Senior Account Manager @Digitizer