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The simplest definition of keywords is that they are words, expressions or phrases that describe your service or product. It is for those selected keywords that your ad can appear in Google Ads. U ovom blogu vas upoznajemo sa osnovnim teminima kada su pitanju Google Ads ključne reči.

When someone searches for something on Google Search , your ad could be shown based on the similarity between your keywords and the user’s search term.

How do Google Ads keywords work?

In order for your ads to show when people search, the keywords you choose must match the words or phrases users are searching for.

For example, if you are engaged in the construction of assembly halls, you can add the phrase “construction of assembly halls” to your Google Ads campaign. When someone writes in Google search “construction of assembly halls”, your ad can be shown in the search results.

The price of keywords is not the same, and depends on several factors such as competition in the auction. Kvalitet ključnih reči se meri preko Quality Score .

Quality score is an assessment of the quality of ads, keywords and landing pages. On se meri ocenom od 1-10 i uključuje Click Through rate (the ratio between the number of clicks and the number of times the ad is displayed), the relevance of the ad, as well as the quality and experience of the Landing Page .


Matching Options – Matching Options

Keyword match types determine how closely a keyword must match a search query. So there are several types, from broad match to exact match.

Broad match, that is broad match keywords. Here, ads can be displayed in searches related to a given keyword. When you use ” Broad Match”, your ad is eligible to show if the search query includes any of the words you’ve specified, in any order. For example if you use the term “luxury homes” your ad will appear when someone types in luxury homes, but also for luxury watches, prefab homes or anything that contains either of these two words.

Phrase Match includes matching the meaning of your keyword. This type is slightly more flexible than the exact match, and more targeted than the broad match option. Here, your ad will only appear when a user types in your keyword, in the exact order you entered it. The ad can also be displayed if the user adds drudge words to your keyword phrase before or after your phrase. For example, if your key phrase is “assembly halls near Belgrade”, the ad will be displayed if the user types in “the most affordable assembly halls near Belgrade”.

Exact Match is an exact match of the keyword to the user’s search query. Of the three matching options, exact match gives you the most control over who sees your ad. Google recently made changes to this option so that ads can also match searches that contain synonyms, plurals, or other variations of a keyword.


Negative keywords

Just as it is important to target the right keywords and phrases, it is also important to choose keywords and phrases that should not be targeted.

With negative keywords, you ensure that your ad does not appear for the keywords and phrases that you specify. This way you improve targeting and campaign performance.

Choose relevant Google Ads keywords in order to reach only those people who are most interested, and who are more likely to become your customers. Also in this way, you will reduce the “noise” when investing in Google campaign.


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Made by Nemanja Nedeljković – Senior Account Manager @Digitizer