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By default , WordPress sites offer two different ways to create content – posts and pages. In order to make your website as user-friendly as possible, it is important that you add posts and pages correctly when adding new content. That’s why it’s important to know the difference between pages and posts and when to use them.

But if you are not familiar with the WordPress platform, it can be difficult to judge when to use a post and when to use a page. In this text, we will try to explain in detail the difference between pages and posts in WordPress and how best to use them when creating a site.

Difference between pages and posts

WordPress beginners often get confused about the difference between posts and pages. As a beginner, you’re probably wondering what’s the difference between posts and pages? They look quite similar in the view on the site.

A page in WordPress is used for static content such as your home page, About us page, contact page, privacy policy, etc. Pages in WordPress will not display or update a publication date, as they are treated as timeless entities.

What are Pages in WordPress?

WordPress pages are mainly used when we want to publish some static content. Static content means a page that will constantly exist on the site, as long as that domain exists. Pages are used for content that is not updated that often.

You can add and edit pages in WordPress using the “Pages” option in the WordPress dashboard . Here is what the screen looks like where we select the option to add and update pages.

In most cases, pages are not intended to be shared via social networks, and therefore do not contain social sharing buttons.

Similarly, the pages also contain no comments. You probably won’t want users to comment on your contact page or your terms of service page. The option to enable comments is of course there, but it is disabled in the default settings.

WordPress pages are arranged hierarchically and for each page we can have subpages or subordinate pages. We can easily change each published page into a subpage by selecting the parent page from the Page attribute section.

What are posts in WordPress?

Posts are usually blog content listed in reverse chronological order (most recent content at the top). If you’re using WordPress as a blog, eventually most of your posts will use site content posts.

By selecting the Posts option in your dashboard, you can add and edit your WordPress posts. Here’s what the screen looks like with the option to add and update posts.

Categories and tags help you organize your posts and make it easier for readers to find the content they’re interested in. As posts get older, it becomes harder for users to find them. That is why it is possible to organize posts based on categories and tags. By selecting categories and tags, all texts corresponding to that category or tag are displayed according to publication date. Unlike pages that are hierarchically organized and do not have categories and labels.

Of course, WordPress provides more options for creating content on the site, but pages and posts are the two main ways. There is no limit to the number of posts or pages you can create on the site. Focus on organizing the site to provide the best possible user experience.

We hope this article helped you learn the difference between pages and posts in WordPress and how to use them.

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Made by Nebojša Radovanović – SEO Expert @Digitizer