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Once you’ve created the perfect Google ad , all you have to do is show it to the right person at the right time. When it comes to Google Display ads, the Google Ads platform offers several different ways to target ads.

Keywords in a Google Display campaign

Keyword targeting is one option on the Google Display Network. For example, if you know that your customers are searching for toys for children, or educational games for children, you can add keywords related to these terms. The Google platform will find relevant sites that contain keywords as well as an audience that is interested in them.


One of the tips is to create several Ads groups for each type of product. For example, if you sell children’s toys, one Ads group could be boys’ toys and another for girls’ toys. Each Ads group will have its own keywords, so let’s say toys for boys will contain keywords related to toys for boys – toy cars, car tracks etc.


Topic targeting displays your ads on sites based on the topics you choose. The topics are diverse and it can be art, cars, sports, shopping, science and various things. Targeting by topics allows you to reach a wider audience.


Placement targeting of your ad is actually choosing specific sites, YouTube channels and videos where you want your ad to appear. The main goal is to show your ads where your customers are. If you know what your potential customers are searching for, which YouTube channels they visit, then this is the right choice for you.

In addition to the above, there are several other targeting methods that you can use to reach a specific audience. Here are a few ways you can narrow down your target audience:

  • Demographics
    • Years
    • Pol
    • Marital status
    • Household income is currently not possible in our country


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Made by Nemanja Nedeljković – Senior Account Manager @Digitizer