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Like all technologies, the printing process and the preparations for printing have been greatly simplified over time. Computer technologies and the availability of graphic programs enabled a fairly simple, ” user friendly ” approach to this area, as well as a great saving of time and materials in the process itself. However, there are a number of rules that should be followed when it comes to preparing for printing in order to first of all get a satisfactory quality of printed material, and ultimately to facilitate communication with the printer.


How to prepare for the press?

To begin with, we should distinguish between vector and raster graphics.

Vector graphics use mathematical functions, or vectors, as the name suggests, to draw the desired image. This type of graphics is the most rewarding for the press. Files are quite “light” because they carry a small amount of information. It is irreplaceable when creating logos, fonts, pictograms, icons… The most famous and at the same time the most professional computer programs for this type of graphics are Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw, while vector file formats are: ai, cdr, eps, cmx and even pdf. However, when it comes to displaying and processing photos for printing, vector graphics are quite unusable, and then we use raster graphics.

Raster graphics (Bitmap) use squares or dots for display, or, you heard, pixels. The most important thing to remember is that the resolution of the photo for printing must be 300 dpi (dots per inch) at a ratio of 1:1. With larger formats (billboard, city light, roll up…) a slightly lower resolution is tolerated due to the distance from which they are viewed. From the display on the screen to the print, raster graphics have found application, so it can be said that they are the most common. This type of graphic carries a lot of information and the higher the resolution (dpi), the heavier the files. This is why raster graphics can show a lot of detail. Therefore, it is not a mistake if you use raster graphics to display graphic elements such as logos, fonts… as long as you stick to the mentioned resolution of 300 dpi. As far as computer programs are concerned, for now Adobe Photoshop is without serious competition for raster image processing.

Raster formats of computer files are: psd, png, jpg, gif… and again the aforementioned pdf.

Therefore, it is clear that the printer will be most grateful to you if you submit the preparation to him in pdf format with the respected printing parameters.

Preparation for printing depends mostly on the technology you will use, and again, the technology depends on the circulation and the substrate on which it is printed.


What else is important to know when preparing for press?

Prepress must always be in CMYK with the exception of vector graphics where you can also use PANTONE ® colors. CMYK is an abbreviation for 4 shades, the combination of which can produce over 16,000 different colors. The color shades are C – cyan (blue), M – magenta (red), Y – yellow (yellow) and K – key (black). It is also recommended that the substrate be white for the printing process.

Black must always be 100% K, never derived from all 4 colors. It is also important that the black is printed over the other colors and not “cut in” like the other colors. In printing terminology, the English term “black overprint” is used.

As for the rules related to longer small text, it is important that it be in one color (by no means every letter is a different color). You should also not print long small text in raster (raster graphics) or negative. Finally, all the text should be converted to “curves” because it may happen that printers do not have the font that you used during the design.

The format (dimension) of the sheets should be planned in advance and must be mentioned to the printer. A4 format is most often used, which is also used by desktop printers, so you can print a ” proof ” anywhere and thereby reduce errors and unwanted effects. Regarding the format, it is important to make an overhang of 5 mm and not to put any important information 5 mm inside the designed format, because when cutting, the sheet can move and thereby “cut off” some important information or create an unwanted white line on the edge of the format.

These are just some of the general rules that should be followed, which are most often used during offset printing, but are also largely valid for other technologies. Offset is most often used as an example because it is used in large print runs with the largest number of pages, and therefore errors lead to large losses of time and maybe even material, so you should be the most careful.

What confuses people is the printer’s terminology, which has its roots mostly in the German language. A brief review of history and general culture leads us to Gutenberg and the Germans as pioneers of printing, so this information does not surprise us as much as the expressions themselves.

What are the terms (in alphabetical order):

Crimping – imprinting a mechanical line along which the printed product with a stronger base bends more easily. The best example is folders…

Blindruk – A relief impression created using a metal stamp-like cliché. The best examples are calendars (covers), diplomas, charters…

Cajtne – Guidelines for the printer where to cut or fold paper.

Ferlauf – You will hear it from older masters, and to us newer generations it is known as gradient. Otherwise, it represents a raster transition of some color.

Gripper – A part of the sheet that is not visible in the final product and serves for some additional information to the printer on the sheet. The same is used to mechanically move the sheets without damaging the print.

Laminating – Gluing printed paper or film onto a stronger substrate. It is most often used in packaging printing…

Stapling – Joining sheets with a stapler (stapling) for brochures with a small number of pages.

Gluing – Gluing, joining the sheets of the book block for catalogs with a larger number of pages.

Perforation – Drilling a series of holes or lines by which one part is separated from another. An example of a postage stamp or receipt.

Proof – Unlike most, this is a word of English origin and denotes the first proof print.

Rigging – Cutting the first layer of the sticker. It is used when there are several stickers on one tobacco.

Rikna – The printed part over the limed part of the book block. In libraries, books are usually stacked so that only the back is visible.

Spiegel – In our country it is better known as a liner or mockup of what the final product will look like. Most often, the arrangement of pages or articles per column is followed.

Stamping – Cutting graphic material according to a certain characteristic shape. It is a punch line that marks that shape. It is most often used in the printing of cardboard and paper packaging.


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Made by Sava Spasić – Senior Graphic Designer @Digitizer