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Nowadays, people are overwhelmed with information, so it becomes difficult to find the one that can actually be useful to us. This certainly applies to the Internet as well. What’s more here is perhaps the most pronounced.


This “crowd” makes the job of advertising quite difficult.

All are fiercely competing for more consumer attention. The primary thing every marketer needs to know is that today’s consumers care little about traditional marketing messages, and 98% of consumers don’t trust ordinary advertisements and promotions.

Video triggers emotions

Therefore, those who still promote their offer exclusively through traditional means of advertising run the risk of being coldly received by the audience, and such promotional campaigns are generally ignored. So what is the best possible way to get the attention of consumers today? Marketing experts point to video marketing that can influence the emotions of viewers.


After a viewer sees your video, they will start seeing you everywhere. This phenomenon is known as the Bader Meinhoff effect – and if used strategically, it can lead to great success in your marketing efforts.


Have you ever seen an ad for something, like sneakers, that didn’t necessarily stand out? You don’t think much about them, but suddenly, you start seeing the same sneakers everywhere. It’s the phenomenon that happens when you see something, and then you feel like you’re surrounded by that product everywhere you turn. In advertisements, in conversation, on the street, wherever you look. Either you’re crazy, or maybe this pair of sneakers is really all around you in the blink of an eye?

Actually two things happen. First, our natural selective attention is triggered without us being aware of it, causing us to recall an ad we saw. Second, we get a biased impression by which we confirm our opinion that everyone is wearing these sneakers now.


In marketing, you can use this psychological trick to target the consumer. Show them a video on your site, then show them a banner ad on another site, and finally show them an ad on social media.


Our brain can process images 60,000 times faster than text. Sounds amazing, doesn’t it?

Primacy of video format

Although this statistic has yet to be proven, it justifies something we so deeply believe to be true – that visuals are more powerful and effective than any other form of communication. Research has shown that the human brain can recognize images in just 13 milliseconds. Combine that with sound and moving images and you’ve got one powerful marketing tool.


Because video engages both the visual and auditory senses, it tells a more compelling, memorable story than any other medium. Video can covertly influence user behavior, arousing memories or nostalgia, fear or curiosity. This emotional response from your viewers is what fuels their passion and builds a stronger connection between them and your brand.


We can also conclude that the video format is taking precedence based on the recent updates of social networks, which are increasingly pushing just this kind of content:


  • Instagram TV
  • introduction of the Facebook Watch button
  • ThruPlay optimization on Facebook
  • the emergence of new social networks such as TikTok , which is based exclusively on video content, etc.


Video is undoubtedly a powerful tool. Make viewers feel special, answer their questions and meet their needs. The more you know your audience, their behavior, the better prepared you will be to make a good video.

Made by Vladimir Bojić – Senior Graphic Designer @Digitizer