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Instagram profile has become a very powerful marketing weapon that you simply have to use in advertising your business. Read in our text how to promote an Instagram profile and how to put it at the service of your business in the best and most efficient way possible.
At one time, one of the most followed profiles on Instagram was the JiffPom (@JiffPom) profile, which has about 10.4 million followers. This Instagram account wouldn’t be overly interesting if it weren’t for the profile of a dog.
Yes, you heard right. It’s an Instagram profile dedicated to a dog.
To get an idea of the popularity of this “Insta-popular” dog, we will only mention that at the time this profile had more followers than Apple, Amazon and Microsoft combined.
Brands like Samsung, Facebook don’t have nearly as many followers. So we are talking about some of the most popular brands in the world. So what can we hope for when it comes to our business?
How to promote an Instagram profile?
Luckily for your local business, success on Instagram isn’t just about simply collecting followers and likes. It’s all about engagement . This is what leads to conversions and sales.
The challenge is to get the collected followers to engage and interact by posting quality content on Instagram. Thus, taking them from the level of followers to clients or customers.
We present to you these 11 tips on how to promote your Instagram profile, increase follower engagement and stimulate sales.
1. Participate, participate, participate
Instagram, like any other social platform is a community.
Just as your business is a valued member of the local community, you also want to be a reputable and respected member of the Instagram community.
This will help you gain followers eager to interact with your content.
Posting good pictures and videos to your Instagram account is not enough by itself!
To build your reputation in the Instagram community, follow influencers and other brands (even direct competitors) and engage in the conversations they start and engage with their content.
You have to put in the engagement to get the same when it comes to your content.
And when your followers comment on your post, actively engage in correspondence by answering their questions, concerns, compliments…
2. Strengthen your Instagram community
One way to strengthen your business reputation and boost your Instagram account is to repost content posted by your local followers, other businesses in your area, or some local celebrities.
Not only will the individuals whose content you shared be pleased, but all of your followers will notice.
Make an effort to have a more humane, empathetic approach to other community members. As in the real world, Internet communities operate on the same principles.
In other words, they will start to see your company as a friendly neighbor and not as someone trying to sell them something.
This strategy is not only effective in building a good reputation in the community, but also saves you time in creating original and unique content. Of course, before that, you must ask for permission and tag the Instagram account of the user whose content you are publishing.
3. Be consistent in maintaining brand identity
Although Instagram is a platform that implies a separate performance on it, with which you try to achieve different branding goals, possibly different in relation to your other social networks, it is still necessary to have one consistent line that connects all your accounts, especially when it comes to tone and the way your brand performs.
Most of your customers are very likely following you on multiple, if not all, channels. If your performance on each of these channels is not consistent, it can be confusing to your customers.
In particular, if your Instagram persona differs from the tone on your website , Facebook page, or your employees, then you run the risk of confusing your customers.

4. Avoid blanket posting
Blanket posting means that you avoid repeating the same content and message on different platforms. Why?
The danger is that clients who follow you on different social networks will practically be spammed with the same content. Then your content ceases to be interesting, it becomes boring, even irritating. Remember, every channel is different, and should be approached that way.
This kind of respect is justified only in certain situations. If, for example, you are organizing an event or launching a new product and you want as many people as possible to find out about it in the shortest possible time.
In any other case, any good promotion by no means implies the classic copy paste variant, but each channel should be approached in an adequate way, adapted to that platform.
5. Satisfied customers are the best advertisement
Since Instagram is primarily a visual platform, it’s the perfect channel to show your customers your merchandise.
By posting pictures of your customers with your products, you enable new potential customers to get along with the product and to visualize the product in concrete life situations. This will reinforce the overall value of your Brand and encourage others to buy from you.
Photos at popular and recognizable local destinations will make clients feel familiar and intimate with your brand. This is especially pronounced with frequently visited and in localities.
6. Let the trends tell you how to promote your Instagram profile
The holidays are always a trending topic and businesses have long used these days to encourage customers with holiday-motivated messages. However, there are also other topics whose popularity can be very important when creating motivational content.
In order to keep up with the trends in your environment, it is necessary to follow the news, local events, even holidays specific to your community. For this reason, it is wise to follow other businesses, local celebrities and other opinion makers, as by following their Instagram accounts you can get inspiration and an idea of what is trending and what keywords to pay attention to.
Of course, there are also topics that are better to avoid. News about tragic events or some controversial topics are things that are best left alone, as they can do you more harm than good. You certainly don’t want anyone to think that you want to make money from someone else’s misfortune.
7. Focus on local hashtags
When we talk about hashtags, there are many similarities between them and SEO keywords.
To optimize your hashtags for your Instagram page, you should focus on local hashtags .
This will allow people in your area to find your posts and your business through localized hashtags . Try to use your location or the name of your business instead of general hashtags .
If, for example, you run a hair salon in Belgrade, you definitely want the content of your Instagram profile to appear in searches for specific appointments. Therefore, you should try those hashtags like #Frizerskisalonbeograd or #Beogradfrizer.
The essence of this optimization is to assess how narrowly you should target when it comes to local search. The best way to do this is to research the best hashtags in your area.

8. Insert the link in the Instagram profile
Although this seems like an obvious thing to do, remember that it is essential that your Instagram profile has a link on the business page in the bio section.
Instagram story has become perhaps the most popular part of this platform. For accounts with over 10,000 followers, Story becomes important because it allows you to insert a link to your website. How to make the most of Instagram Story for business, read here.
This is a very important segment of your performance on Instagram, because your followers will be able to visit your site, convert or interact with your brand directly from your account.
It would be a good idea to include information about your other social networks, and it is crucial to include the physical address of your business, so that potential clients can find you.
9. Create professional, creative content
This may not need to be emphasized, but there are still many business pages on Instagram that post poor quality, blurry or poorly composed photos and videos. This is a very important segment in answering the question of how to promote an Instagram profile.
Keep in mind that Instagram is primarily a visual platform, so the image is what attracts attention in the first place. Don’t skimp on quality photography or videography equipment, even consider hiring professionals in this field.
This is especially important if you share photos of your products. You want followers to see your product and be able to imagine using it (remember the happy customer section) .
If the photos are of poor quality, not only will you turn away potential customers, but many may think that your products are of the same quality as the photos.
10. Don’t forget to geotag your posts
This is another strategy that local businesses often overlook or neglect when running an Instagram account .
If you want your followers to be able to find your business, then you should definitely let them know. The option of using a gaotag on each post certainly makes this a lot easier for you.
When the user clicks on the link, a map with the exact location of your business is displayed. It also sees the accompanying content of the location you are on. This makes it much easier for potential clients to find you.
Sometimes it’s smarter to mark a wider area, and only the exact location of your business. In this way, your content can be presented to people who searched for your location on Instagram.

11. Constantly monitor and measure the performance of your efforts
Your customers’ behaviors and attitudes are changing, which means your Instagram followers are changing their affinities as well.
Always track which of your content has attracted the most attention, and which posts have led to the most likes, comments or shares.
If possible, ask the clients you’ve acquired through Instagram what it was that caught their attention. Insight into this data can be of great importance to you. Let your clients help you on how to promote your Instagram profile. You will not get better information than theirs.
A successful Instagram account in our Digital Era is one of the essentials for any local business. With over a billion monthly active users, half of whom are active daily, Instagram is a goldmine for customer acquisition.
And before we start drooling over these numbers, let’s remember the story from the beginning of this text. Your followers are the real people behind these numbers, who want you to be a part of their community.
The more valuable content you produce and share with your followers, the bigger your organic r each and the more impactful your engagement with your followers will be. This is the best advice on how to promote your Instagram profile and improve your business.
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Made by Mladen Manojlović – CEO @Digitizer